MEET Rev Dr Yuk Chong
Dr Liong came from Sarawak, Malaysia. In June 2006, he joined the Bible College of Victoria, renamed Melbourne School of Theology, as the Dean to the Chinese Department till 2019 and Dean of Students and Operations from 2020 onward.
Dr Liong is married to Mee C. Yii and they have a son (Mark), two daughters (Grace and Esther) and a son in-law (Ben). In addition, the Liongs have a pet dog of Brittany Spaniel breed (Titus).
Areas of interest: Church History, Pastoral Studies, Wesleyan Studies
The Chinese Methodist Church in Australia (CMCA)
Selected Publications
Liong, Yuk Chong.2017. “馬丁路德宗教改革思想的醖釀與成形:在耶爾福與威登堡的日子,” The Genesis of the Reformational thought of Martin Luther: The Days at Erfurt and Wittenberg,” in 義配恩源蕩蕩流——宗教改革五百周年文集 (香港:牧職神學院與墨爾本神學院中文部聯合出版, 2017)。
Liong, Yuk Chong. 2012. “Missions and Scriptural Holiness: A Reflection on Church’s Social Ethics,” In the 6th Mission Conference of World Federation of Chinese Methodist Church WFCMC: Piety and Missions, 21-25 Jun 2012, Taipei. 循道卫理宗华人教会联会第六届宣教大会:敬虔与宣教。
Liong, Yuk Chong. 2014. A respond paper to 严家慧与周美丽所著: “探讨泰勒哲罗米 的《圣洁的生与死》(Holy Living & Holy Dying)和卫斯理约翰的全然成圣观 (Entire Sanctification)的异同之处” 5th Wesleyan Theology Seminar: 03-04 Jun 2014, Sibu, Sarawak, Malaysia. 第五届卫斯理神学研讨会.World Federation of Chinese Methodist Church WFCMC 世 界 循 道 卫 理 宗 华 人 教 会 联 会 神 学 委 员 会 举 办.
Liong, Yuk Chong.2014. “福音出中华:一個廿世紀初期抵达南洋婆罗洲岛(砂拉越)的基督徒華工群體的信仰探討The Exodus of the Chinese Methodists from China to Sarawak, Borneo in the Early 20th Century” at the “Faith and Culture in Chinese Christianity” Symposium, May 12th, 2014, organized by CSCC (Center for the Study of Chinese Christianity, Melbourne School of Theology Chinese).
Liong, Yuk Chong. 2016.“讓上帝作上帝吧!敬拜中心的省思Let God be God: Reflection on the Centre of Christian Worship,”20th Anniversary Celebration of the Melbourne School of Theology Chinese Dept, 2016.
Liong, Yuk Chong. 2018. “衛斯理與英格蘭教會——忠心與革新的選擇Wesley and the Church of England:The Choice between Faithfulness and Renewal” 6th Wesleyan Theology Symposium on the Ecclesiology of Methodism, 05-07 Jun 2018, Taipei, Taiwan. 第六届卫斯理神学研讨会.World Federation of Chinese Methodist Church WFCMC 世 界 循 道 卫 理 宗 华 人 教 会 联 会 神 学 委 员 会 举 办.
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