Vocational Training Enhanced for Effective Ministry

It has been long understood in training and church circles that higher education of the academic nature is not the only way to prepare men and women for gospel ministry. In fact, to only offer an academic pathway limits training to only a few, excluding a great many of God’s people.MST & Eastern acknowledges this […]

A poem by Stevie WillsPerformance poet, Stevie Wills, hopes to inspire the inclusion and empowerment of people with disabilities. You spoke creationRivers commotionPilgrimage to oceansDesert plains, skies expandingMountains, valleys, earth contouring. You spoke love in creationBetween man and womanBirthing familyBirthing community.You speak love in creationComfort, hope, compassion.You speak, createUs in your imageIn your imageLet us […]
Joy in My Calling – A Student Poem
Written by Tanya Weinber – Living In Christ Student Presentation “The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.”– Frederick Buechner Where is my gladness, where’s my joy foundIs it found in me oh no how profound?Or does it run deep, far greater than meI […]
Painting with God’s Brush
God’s Dreaming is a project that started with a simple idea; an idea God gave to founder Roger Latham as he was working with people in Indigenous communities. The idea was to paint. To paint the entire story of redemption found in the Bible with Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Christians working together. Roger did not intend to create a ministry; he intended to […]