The unit will build on the unit ES910.506 Primary English and focus on developing expert content knowledge in English language, literature and literacy, as well as pedagogical content knowledge and the integration of these for developing highly effective teaching strategies relevant to teaching English.
The unit will also develop advanced understanding of a number of areas impacting the development of literacy in schools through the English discipline and across curriculum areas, including the development and efficacy of school-wide literacy programs, issues in the field of Children’s Literature, and how teachers and students use technology to improve literacy proficiencies. The unit will examine examples of policy documents and school processes that focus on advancing literacy learning and their implications for practice.
The unit will explore how these understandings along with engagement with educational theory can be used in the development of strategies for effective classroom teaching to improve literacy proficiencies through the English discipline as well as across all curriculum areas.
The unit will also cover assessment and data-analysis for identifying the learning needs of students, including those with additional needs and gifted students, and current developments for advancing their learning in English.
* English content knowledge – language, literature and literacy
* Educational theory and pedagogies for teaching English
* Research on highly effective teaching strategies in the English discipline
* Examining various case studies of school wide literacy programs, policies and processes for advancing English literacy
* Engaging in research on Children’s literature applying a Christian perspective
* Analysing and developing school wide data to identify literacy proficiencies and learning needs
* Supporting students with additional needs in literacy learning
* Close examination of programs and strategies to challenge and engage gifted students in English literacy