This unit will examine various examples of research practices in education to identify the common elements, language and concepts used to describe the process and purposes of educational research. The unit will investigate several paradigms used to drive and direct research.
The unit covers a number of research designs that are commonly associated with each paradigm. Designs discussed encompass both methodology and methods. Critique of paradigms, methodology and methods covers both practical issues such as cost and time constraints faced by researchers in selecting and developing their problem and methodology, as well as ethical issues and Christian perspectives of faith, reason and justice.
The unit will cover a broad range of qualitative, quantitative and mixed-methods approaches to researching educational questions and problems, and guide students in how to identify and select the best approach when planning to undertake research.
This unit prepares students for undertaking a finite and feasible piece of research for the research project in unit RP994.512. As such there will particular emphasis on research designs that examine the impact of an intervention or change to teaching practice such as Action Research.
The unit will also cover how research reports are written and the processes for critically reading and interpreting research reports. Students will be guided through the process of identifying a research focus, formulating a research question or problem and designing an appropriate research approach to address it, that considers the current literature, ethical issues and constraints, including Christian perspectives, that are relevant to the design.
This unit is delivered as a split intensive. The class will meet for two intensives, one per school term with the ability to communicate to your peers and lecturer electronically in-between. All learning will happen through your readings and in a face-to-face setting.
Key features of Research
Religious, social and political nature of research
Qualitative methodologies
Quantitative Methodologies
Various methods for collecting data
Various methods for analysing data
Ethics and ethical issues
Writing up a research report /Literature reviews